Úterý 25. 4. 2023 (AJ – 4. ročník)

Já jedu na koni.

Ona hraje na bubny.

Oni běží.

Můj tatínek čte knihu.

On nehraje fotbal.

Ty neskáčeš.

My nezpíváme.

Kočka nelétá. (fly)

Píšete (vy?) Ano, my píšeme.

Sedíš (ty) na židli? Ne, já nesedím.

Řídí tvoje (your) teta auto? Ne, ona neřídí.

Mají (oni) na sobě černé tričko?  Ano, oni mají.



I am riding a horse.

She is playing the drums.

They are running.

My father is reading a book.

He is not playing football.

You are not jumping.

We are not singing.

A cat is not flying.

Are you writing? Yes, we are.

Are you sitting on the chair? No, I am not.

Is your aunt driving a car? No, she isn´t.

Are they wearing a black T-shirt? Yes, they are.